it was April exhausted! all of the multimedia and visual communication student need to make a digital comic as our final project....there must be 25 pages!! hehehe luckily our lecturer was reduce it to 12 page only..but its not include teaser add ya!! hahahah...but its ok..Alhamdulillah....with that 12 pages make me more confident that we can finished it with the timeline that had given...fuhh...
on the 24 April...10 group that was chosen had to present or its called as pitching session with MDEC (multimedia development corporation) The presentation was to present to them what we want to do for our comic in android system. was our first time to present to the big organization...hahaha before this we just present to our lecturer and we dont have to worry bout it, even we do not complete our slide...hahahahah..... But on that time...we must complete it to make sure our lecturer will not frustrated with their student... hehehehe...
this is the presentation from a few of group...heehehehe....